Any way you could provide the rail mount as a step file as well? I have a low-profile optic mount on my MKIV 22/45 Lite, so I was going to use the rail screws on the bottom of the barrel and the front top screw to hold it all together, but it also means I need to shorten the front end of the rail mount as well.
For which portion? The kit itself secures to the gun using the factory sight/scope rail screws. The brace hardware is in the readme of my BooliBrace release, and the other hardware for the brace adapter is either M4 or M5 screws, I don't recall. I just grabbed some screws out of my tool box, lol.
Any way you could provide the rail mount as a step file as well? I have a low-profile optic mount on my MKIV 22/45 Lite, so I was going to use the rail screws on the bottom of the barrel and the front top screw to hold it all together, but it also means I need to shorten the front end of the rail mount as well.
What did you use for hardware?